Life is a long inaccuracy.
We hold tightly to binary balloon strings
to keep our toddler feet from floating into the higher atmosphere
this is how we escape the great responsibility,
by failing to grasp the intercoursing assembly of all strings.
We tarry long and hard for a winter’s milk and summer’s snow,
we want what we want without cyclical merit nor source.point.awe.
A plucking hand finds no crime in the quantity of clutch.
A mouth for the taste of more bites only what it knows.
Periscope down in bitter regard for ceremonial bond,
As irreverent custodians, from this bankrupt promise, we abscond.
What salve do you offer the land upon departure? What balm, or mend, or propolis?
—THIS— is how we escape the great responsibility,
by failing to grasp the intercoursing assembly of all strings—
responsibility…… Is how…… we escape………
Honey home, honey drip, honey loan,
What is jarred must first be combed.
We cannot take what we do not first allow.
We cannot make what we do not
// through revelation // own.
Here not, for purchase, but for the humble bow
In gratitude, we steward all—
from the tiniest sand grain, anemone, and nematode,
treated here, all equal to home.
The big need not protect from the sting of the small,
but the small from the sleeping stampede of the deputized big.
Robbery, it seems, only applies to green paper
What salve do you offer the land upon departure, what balm or mend or propolis?
We got lost in the chorus and missed the refrain.
Unpollinated, here. we. are. in indecent descent,
Was there ever an honest broker from atop the food chain?
To the bumbling, the world is loud with our silences